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Your Legal Business Partner

Wiidare in Brief

We help our clients to do sustainable and successful business with our Legal Business Partners and Legal Management Consulting services.

Wiidare was founded in 2019 by experienced former in-house counsels. Over the years, we have served hundreds of satisfied clients to make better decisions and to mitigate unnecessary risks.

Our team is driven and committed to create the best client experience in business law. 

Legal Business Partners

We serve as Legal Business Partners for our clients. The legal services and solutions we provide are always aligned with our clients’ business strategies, needs and realities. We offer a holistic, cross-functional and practical service that adds real value.

Legal Management Consulting

Our Legal Management Consulting services are aimed to support you in increasing the value delivered by your legal function. With our help, businesses are able to evaluate and reshape their legal function so that it is aligned with the company’s overall strategy.


Employee’s incapacity for work: Essential FAQs

Winter is approaching in the Nordics and infectious diseases, darkness, and slippery roads will soon impact our daily lives. Typically, for employers this means an increase in the number of employees’ sick days.

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Oikeusteknologian käyttöönotto organisaatiossa

Teknologian hyödyntäminen oikeudellisissa prosesseissa on yhä tärkeämpää organisaatioille, jotka tavoittelevat entistä tehokkaampia toimintatapoja ja parannettua oikeudellista riskienhallintaa.

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3D-kiinteistöt – onko kolmiulotteinen kiinteistönmuodostus jo yleistynyt Suomessa?

Tiedätkö, mikä on 3D-kiinteistö ja millaisia esimerkkejä kolmiulotteisesta kiinteistönmuodostuksesta jo on? Lue blogikirjoituksestamme asiantuntijan näkemys tilanteista, joihin 3D-kiinteistönmuodostaminen erityisen hyvin sopii.

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